
This website works alongside the Elphin, Ledmore, Knockan Community Association Ltd in serving all those living in the Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan area (not forgetting Ledbeg, Lyne,  Altnacealgach, Benmore, Stronechrubie and Inchnadamph!). It will promote the aspirations set out in the Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan Community Association Constitution and can be used as a forum, source of news and an archive for the community.

With beautiful scenery and sunsets, a geopark, fishing, kayaking, walking and wildlife spotting activities, Elphin serves as a gateway to one of the largest remaining unspoiled wilderness areas in Europe.We believe that the promotion of Elphin’s many attractive qualities will benefit the lives of all those who live here.

If you have photos and or text that you believe might be of interest to the Elphin, Ledmore and Knockan community – or the world at large! – get in touch and we will add them to the site. If the photos have some local history attached so much the better.

The ELKCAL community website is constantly being updated and holds records of past events, notice of coming events and information about the locality.  It gives access to the minutes from the regular ELKCAL Directors’ meetings along with many other features. If there is any information from ELKCAL that you require and is not available on the website, please  email  elkcal@hotmail.co.uk and we will send it to you direct.